Fondazione Pietro Barbaro

Fondazione Pietro Barbaro was established in 2009 by the decision of Alfredo and Gianni Barbaro, members of a historic Sicilian family that has been operating in the maritime transport sector for more than two hundred years. The Foundation has interpreted and plays an active and participatory role in local development, favoring the broadest and most active participation of individuals and the community in the formulation and realization of ideas (in the form of interventions, actions, projects) and promoting common well-being in the Mediterranean Basin. The Foundation also promotes the increase of cultural and artistic activities on environmental sustainability, as well as the dissemination of cultural welfare initiatives. It carries out educational and training courses inspired by the use of innovative teaching methodologies that enhance active and cooperative learning, with particular attention also to personal well-being and human relationships. The Foundation is also a social laboratory that cares about the audience, through its identity and inclusive cultural policy, also involving research bodies, associations, cultural enterprises and citizens to increase inclusiveness and the pool of collaborations, progressing from a phase of use to one of growth and sharing. The Foundation has several initiatives on the promotion and protection of the environment and the sea, a research activity on family history along 300 years of history of the seas merged into a book and other collaborations with European universities and Superintendencies of the Sea.