On 7 June 2023, the Pietro Barbaro Foundation proposed the theatrical show „Lighea, Story of Love and the Sea“, by and with Patrizia D’Antona, with music by Rita Collura and Mauro Cottone, at 7.00 pm at its headquarters in Palazzo Trinacria, via Butera 24, Palermo.

The exhibition was part of the ECHO project of the ERASMUS + programme, which involves the Pietro Barbaro Foundation, Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo ETS, Carraro Lab, Seal Cyprus and Association WalkTogheter, and constituted an important moment to realize an Exhibit for the Foundation involved in structuring the event.

In addition to the large in-person participation, the event was broadcast live on the Facebook page of Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo ETS, one of the project partners involved in the organization of this Multiplier Event to reach target groups and share tematics of the project: from the data relating to the broadcast of the event, around 559 people connected to Facebook live, with a page peak of around 660% compared to the daily average